Of Disease Prevention

Your body is constantly dealing with internal and external aggressions. These attacks may be bacterial, viral, fungal, but also pollution and malfunction of some internal organs. Whatever the measures of prevention you can take, it is possible that you fall sick. When sickness comes, nothing is more important than choosing the appropriate treatment for your condition.

Earlier you treat a disease, better chance you have to be recovered. That is why it is vital to be able to detect small defects before they become serious medical conditions. Many diseases have minor symptoms at the beginning, yet their ravages are major in your body. In addition to early diagnosis and treatment, your participation is also obligatory. During any treatment, it is crucial that you take the following measures to help the treatment remediate your health problem:

Avoid tobacco– besides cardiovascular problems and lung cancer, smoking increases the risk of asthma and various respiratory infections. In women, smoking increases the risk of extra uterine pregnancy, miscarriage, premature delivery, C-section (cesarean section), and fetal growth retardation. These risks relate to both active and passive smoking (second hand smoking). In addition, smoking decreases the curative effects off all medications.

Eat a healthy diet - no one can deny it anymore; it is confirmed in hundreds medical studies that a healthy diet can prevent or reverse the development of certain cancers, cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, impotence, obesity and high cholesterol. Consume lots of fruits and vegetables; increase in your diet vitamin supplements mainly B complex, calcium and omega 3. Limit consumption of fats, sugar, and foods high in sugar (sodas, candy, jam, chocolate ...). No drugs in the world can lower your cholesterol if you continue to eat fatty foods and neglect to exercise. Medications along with a good diet increase considerably your chance of healing.

Regular exercise- it is said that if you want to be forever young, exercise regularly. Physical exercise reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, stress, depression, obesity, cancer osteoporosis, and more. Regular physical exercise prevents premature aging of the skin, improves brain function and self-esteem. Do not wait until your health is degenerated before you start exercising. You do not need to be sporty to exercise. Do approximately 30 to 45 minutes of fast walking a day is enough to stimulate all the organs of your body. However, you may be required to stay in bed when taking some medications. Therefore, if you are under treatment, talk to your physician before you begin any exercise program.

What else you should do to stay healthy?

Oral hygiene - many people tend to neglect a good oral hygiene. Not taking care of your mouth will not only cause gum disease (include bad breath), but also heart problems. Good oral hygiene recommends to regularly brush and floss your teeth after meals. It is found in many medical studies that dental floss along with exercise can reduce or prevent heart disease risk. In addition, consult your dentist at least once a year.

Prompt medical visit- If you do not feel too well, do not wait until tomorrow, go see your health care provider as soon as you can. Even if you feel good, it is important to have a medical check-up at least every two years. If you are a woman, see your gynecologist twice a year minimum.

The sooner a disease is detected, the more likely it is to be treated and eradicated. It is important to know the signs and symptoms of each disease so that you can get an idea of your condition and take necessary steps before complications. On ofdisease.com, you will find free advice and information to help you, along with your physician, take smart decision whttp://www.ofdisease.com

About The Author
Remy is a multi-topic writer with years of experience in nutrition and naturotherapy. He loves to share his own personal beneficial experience with natural alternative to others. For your research on health problems, beauty and personal care, please visit http://www.ofdisease.com


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