What The Vitamin Companies Don’t Want You To Know… by: Travis Huteson

Do you ever find yourself asking any or all of these questions:

* Why do I keep spending money on vitamins and not feel a thing?
* Why do I still get sick and continuously feel lousy?
* Why is it so hard to stay “consistent” when it comes to taking vitamins on a regular basis?
* Which vitamins does MY BODY need?
* Will I be able to live life to it’s fullest as I get older?
* How do I know “For Sure” which nutrients I am lacking in my diet?

The “New Scoop” On Vitamins…

Vitamin supplements may be much more important than doctors thought in warding off cancer, heart disease and the ravages of aging—and, no, you may not be getting enough of these crucial nutrients in your diet!

Vitamins are a “Key” factor in warding off the following chronic diseases:

* Heart Disease
* Lung Cancer
* Bowel Cancer
* Breast Cancer
* Prostate Cancer
* Osteoporosis


The fact is: YOU probably aren’t getting the nutrients that you need!

World class nutrition experts have been recommending vitamins for more than 35 years!

“To take or not to take” is no longer the question. ALL nutrition experts and most doctors support supplementation.

What To Take Is Now The Question…

Optimal Health Journal lists many government surveys which state:

1. Our diets do not provide adequate levels of vitamins for AVERAGE HEALTH – let alone OPTIMAL HEALTH!
2. Of 21,500 people surveyed, NO ONE obtained 100% of the recommended allowance for each of the ten essential nutrients.

The prestigious journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) now recognizes the importance of vitamins. It states:

* Most Americans do not consume adequate amounts of vitamins by diet alone.
* it appears prudent for all adults to take vitamin supplements.”

The “Real Danger” In Overdosing on Vitamin Supplements…

Did you know that your body needs specific amounts of different nutrients and that it can be harmful if you take too much of a certain vitamin?

Can you overdose? In a word – YES!

Overdosing can be more harmful than underdosing! For example:

1. In high doses, Vitamin C can act as a pro-oxidant causing rather than preventing cellular damage.
2. Taking too much Calcium can cause constipation and impaired kidney function.
3. In high doses, Iron can cause an increased risk of heart disease; also poisoning in children who take adult doses.
4. Zinc, in large amounts can cause gastrointestinal irritation and impaired immune function.

Which Nutrients Does YOUR BODY Really Need?

There’s no such thing as a one-size-fits-all approach to vitamin supplements…

What nutritional supplements should you take? Answer that question, and go to the head of the class. People today are positively boggled by their choices…3,400 different supplements to choose from, at last count. Everyday you hear convincing arguments about why you should take each and every one of them:

1. To prevent cancer
2. Heighten immunity
3. Lower blood pressure
4. Increase energy
5. Sharpen memory
6. Reverse arthritis
7. Build strong bones

You want all these things, so why not take all these supplements? For one thing, you’d go broke! Beyond that, you don’t need them all! Taking too many might even hurt you! So, back to the question: What supplements should you take?

With all the different products on the market today, how do you really know which vitamin supplements to take? Which ones should you be taking and in which amounts? That is the question…

Even READERS DIGEST is asking: “Which vitamins do you really need?”

Natural Health Magazine goes one step further and asks:

“Are you absorbing enough nutrients?

Their answer: There’s only one sure way to find out…


Top nutritional doctors use Metametrix Clinical Laboratory for nutritional / metabolic testing…

Which Vitamins Do The “Rich & Famous” Take To Stay Healthy…

The “Rich & Famous” rely upon their excellent health and vibrant looks to earn a living. They spend countless hours exercising, eating right and yes, taking vitamin supplements! The way they choose which vitamins to take is simple, they find out which nutrients their bodies are lacking in and simply take them. How do they do this? They take the comprehensive ION test and have customized vitamins made based on the test results.

This ION test costs a doctor $545.00 which is then passed on to the patient (probably at a higher price).

There is however, a simpler test that is much more cost effective…

A Simple URINE Test

Why Do You Need To Have A Urine Test?

This testing that identifies the Exact Nutrients YOUR BODY must have in three key areas is - the essential first step…You no longer have to guess which nutrients, out of a bewildering variety of “one-size-fits-all” nutritional supplements on store shelves, you should take. Scientific analysis of an overnight urine sample can provide you with the answer to which nutrients your body must have in order to protect your body against cellular damage from uncontrolled free radicals; eliminate harmful toxins in your body; and keep your body’s immune, Vascular and Nervous systems in balance.

Can you afford this kind of testing? Yes, for a cost of just $79.95 you can have this special test.

Your test will identify:

* Your ability to handle challenges to your body’s antioxidant system
* The level of nutrients needed to remove toxic substances from your body
* Your ability to balance KEY compound that influences your important Immune, Nervous, and Cardio-Vascular Systems.

Daily intake of the precise nutritional supplements YOUR BODY needs is the second essential step…When you receive your PrivaTest Analysis and the specific nutrients custom-made to match your body’s needs based on your specific test results, age, and gender, you’ll have in you hands the distillation of years of research on human nutrition, herbal medicine, biochemistry, and metabolic science. At this point in time, you now have the most powerful nutrition tool available to control your health!

What Happens To The Test Results?

Based on your test results, a Custom Blended Formula will be compounded from 48 possible permutations using whichever of 55 KEY NUTRIENTS you may need, in the amounts your body needs…Whatever variety of amino acids, antioxidants, phytonutrients, chelated minerals, or protective herbals your test calls for will be there, carefully balanced to work together to provide what your body’s systems require.

This custom blended formula will then be shipped to you in a 30 day supply of (30 packets of 6 capsules) and all you have to do is take 1 packet per day!

The cost of the Custom Essential Vitamins is only $44.75 per month with no obligation to continue after the first month.

Now You Know The Story, Here Are Some Common Questions That We Come Across…

Q: How much does this urine test cost and can I get it anywhere?

A: The cost is $79.95 and the test is done in the comfort of your own home.

Q: How is the test administered as a home test?

A: The lab sends you a simple Home Urine Test Kit with complete and easy to follow instructions. Simply, you fill our a simple questionnaire, collect some urine (all materials are supplied in the kit), and fed ex the sample back to the lab for analysis.

Q: What happens after the urine test?

A: The lab analyzes the urine sample, sends the results to the vitamin manufacturer who then blends a custom-made-vitamin just for you!

Q: How much does the Custom-made-vitamin cost?

A: The cost for the custom-made-vitamins is only $44.75 per month. (o try and duplicate this same vitamin at a retail vitamin store would cost at least $150)

Q: Is there any type of commitment to continue taking the vitamins?

A: None. You can cancel at anytime (A very small percentage of people cancel after they experience the benefits of feeling better and more energetic)

Q: How do I get started and order my Test Kit?

A: There are two ways to get started:

* Call our toll free number at: (877)596-0215 for more information.
* Send an e-mail to: orders@custom-made-vitamins.com and we will send you all the necessary documents to get started right away.

Good luck and please don’t hesitate to call us anytime with any questions about this amazing vitamin breakthrough!

About The Author

Healthcare profession since 1997; Avid exercise and sports enthusiast.

Smoking - Why People Start and Why They Should Stop by: Anne Wolski i

The epidemic of smoking-related diseases is one that only the potential victims can abolish. Smoking is among the most common habits in the Western world and this dangerous habit will kill a large number of those who engage in it.

It is amazing to think that people would continue to smoke after their first experimental cigarette which causes coughing and nausea. However, the majority of smokers enjoy the taste and smell of tobacco smoke and so they continue on with this potentially lethal habit. Sometimes the ritual of smoking creates pleasure and relaxation itself. For some people, it is a social habit and makes them feel part of the crowd. This is particularly so of people who are shy. Having something to do with their hands when in company helps them to appear more in control and self-confident.

Smokers say that smoking settles their nerves when they are stressed. Some say it also stimulates them and, in both cases, there is some truth. This is due to the nicotine or more precisely, the dose of nicotine as well as other factors. There is also a genuine physical addiction to nicotine so that when the person concerned is not able to get the drug, he or she suffers from withdrawal symptoms which are relieved only by having another cigarette.

A person can have a psychological addiction to smoking as well as the physical addiction. Although the person does not really need that cigarette, he or she misses the perceived enjoyment it used to bring. It has often become such an ingrained habit that the smoker lights up automatically without any thought about it.

In recent years, public opinion against smoking has resulted in policies to restrict the areas where smokers can engage in their habit. Many hotels, restaurants, shopping centres and workplaces have become no-smoking zones. In many places, governments are claiming damages from the billion-dollar tobacco industry to finance the ever growing costs of healthcare for smoking-related diseases.

There is definitely a strong correlation between children’s smoking and the smoking habits of parents and older siblings. The family bond and the desire to be like their parents is the likely cause of this. As young children, many are very disapproving of their parents smoking habits but by the early teens, their thinking begins to change. Often, these young people identify drinking and smoking with the ideal of being an adult.

Early studies just after World War II, concluded that the main cause of lung cancer was definitely cigarette smoking. After comparing a number of variables, it was concluded that only one in two hundred male lung cancer patients were nonsmokers with a similar level of statistics found among women. Other conclusions were that the chances of dying from lung cancer increased with heavier smoking habits. More recent studies have shown that smoking is also a contributory factor in diseases such as chronic bronchitis, emphysema, and coronary heart disease. It has also been shown that smokers generally live a shorter lifespan than nonsmokers. .

Many people are unaware that it is the toxic substances in the vaporized tar that causes the damage to smokers rather than the nicotine. These tars contain thousands of toxic chemicals, some of which are known carcinogenics. Other interesting factors include the fact that smokers are twice as likely to die before retirement age as nonsmokers. There is also some evidence that filter-tipped cigarettes reduce the risk of disease minimally but not enough to consider them a safe option.

Another area of great concern is that of passive smoking. Studies have shown that the cigarette smoke drifting from the burning end of a cigarette contains twice as much carcinogenic tar as that inhaled by the smoker.

The risks to an unborn baby of a smoking mother are also something of which people need to be aware. These mothers have a higher rate of miscarriages and stillbirths than do nonsmoking mothers.

Giving up the cigarettes is easier said than done. There are many products available which may help but, ultimately, it is a battle that the smoker needs to fight for him or her self. Resisting the temptation to have a cigarette, particularly in times of stress, is crucial. Many people give up over and over again but end up back on the smokes. For this reason, it is important to have a plan and to decide, once and for all, that it is the time to give it up. No one is saying it will be easy but millions give up every year so it can be done.

Copyright 2006 Anne Wolski

About The Author

Anne Wolski has worked in the health and welfare industry for more than 30 years. She is a co-director of http://www.magnetic-health-online.com an information portal with many interesting medical articles and also of http://www.pharmacybyweb.com which has online physicians who can help you with any questions you may have.

Dogs And Pets Provide Health Benefits by: Robert Benson

Do dogs provide health benefits? Believe it or not they do! Did you know that owning a dog and pet ownership in general, can help a person in many ways? Owning a pet can improve your mental wellness, reduce your visits to the doctor, improve your cardiovascular health and allow for faster recovery time from surgery as well as higher survival rates. Recent research suggests that dogs may be able to detect cancer on a person's breath! Lets' explore these amazing health benefits of pet ownership:

It has been proven that dog owners have lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels than non-dog owners. These factors, in turn, reduce the chance of cardiovascular diseases. In fact, just stroking a pet has long been known to reduce blood pressure. Furthermore, a study from the New York State University concluded that these benefits continue even without the pet being present!

Hospital studies have shown that senior citizens and recent post-op patients respond better to treatment and recover faster while in contact with dogs and other therapy animals. Did you know that dog owners have a greater chance to survive a serious illness than non-dog owners? In fact, a study revealed that a pet affected a person's survival rate even more than the presence or company of family members or friends!

Studies conducted at Cambridge and UCLA concluded that there is a direct correlation between pet ownership and improved overall health, which leads to fewer visits to the doctor. The Journal of American Geriatrics Society notes that pet ownership has a positive effect on a senior's physical and emotional well being. Additionally, a Medicare study of elderly patients also shows that people who own a dog have fewer doctor visits than patients who do not.

Pet owners have better emotional health and mental wellness than people who do not own a pet. Pets offer unconditional love and affection and their presence alone helps reduce loneliness. For people who are isolated, disabled or handicapped, a pet offers friendship and can even add a element of safety to their lives. Dogs are used as a form of therapy in hospices, nursing homes and as companions for the disabled and blind. In fact, there are studies that prove that people with a major illness fight the stress of having the illness better by having a dog as a pet.

There is new research that suggests that dogs may be able to detect certain types of cancer. Researchers at the Pine Street Foundation in San Anselmo, California and the Polish Academy of Sciences exposed dogs to breath samples from breast and lung cancer patients and samples from healthy people. They claim that the dogs were able to detect cancer with astonishing results and accuracy. The dogs were able to identify 99% of lung cancer breath samples (which included early stage cancer patients) as well as 88% of breast cancer samples. The study, which has been met with skepticism, will be released early in 2006 and published in the March edition of the Journal for Integrative Cancer Therapies. Experts agree that this holds promise, but must be evaluated and researched further.

As you can see pet ownership or having a dog comes with many benefits for an individual. Owning a pet encourages social interaction, reduces stress levels, boosts self-confidence and self-esteem and encourages exercise. Having a pet is a great investment, not only in the joy and pleasure that the animal brings into your life, but the many health benefits that come with the territory!

About The Author

Robert Benson operates http://www.ezshoppinghere.com a website devoted to helping shoppers find unique gift ideas in unique places. We carry Pet Supplies, Home Decor, Digital Cameras, Three Stooges Collectibles & other fine merchandise.

What Are The Four Main Risk Factors For Mesothelioma? by: Bello Kamorudeen

A risk factor is anything that affects your chance of getting a disease such as cancer. Different cancers have different risk factors. For example, exposing skin to strong sunlight is a risk factor for skin cancer. Smoking is a risk factor for cancers of the lung, mouth, larynx (voice box), bladder, kidney, and several other organs. Having a known risk factor, or even several risk factors, does not mean that you will get the disease. And some people who get the disease may not have had any known risk factors.

These are the well known risk factors for the development of mesothelioma cancer:

1-Asbestos :

The main risk factor for developing mesothelioma is exposure to asbestos. In fact, most cases of mesothelioma have been linked to asbestos exposure in the workplace.

Asbestos refers to a family of fibrous minerals made of silicate. It is a naturally occurring mineral that can be found in dust and rocks in certain parts of the United States and other parts of the world. There are 2 main forms of asbestos:

1-Serpentine (curly) fibers include chrysotile, the most widely used form of asbestos. 2-Amphiboles are thin, rod-like fibers. There are 5 main types -- crocidolite, amosite, anthrophylite, tremolite, and actinolyte.

Amphiboles (particularly crocidolite) are considered to be more likely to cause cancer. However, the more commonly used chrysotile fibers are also linked with mesothelioma.

When chrysotile fibers in the air are inhaled, they tend to stick to mucus in the throat, trachea (windpipe), or bronchi (large breathing tubes of the lungs) and are then cleared by being coughed up or swallowed. But the long, thin amphibole fibers are less readily cleared, and they may reach the ends of the small airways and penetrate into the pleural lining of the lung and chest wall. These fibers may then injure mesothelial cells of the pleura, and eventually cause mesothelioma.

Asbestos fibers can also damage cells of the lung and result in asbestosis (formation of scar tissue in the lung) and/or lung cancer. Peritoneal mesothelioma, which forms in the abdomen, may result from coughing up and swallowing inhaled asbestos fibers. Because of its heat and fire resistant properties, asbestos was once used in many products such as insulation, floor tiles, door gaskets, soundproofing, roofing, patching compounds, fireproof gloves, ironing board covers, and brake pads. The link between asbestos and mesothelioma has become well known, so its use in the United States has decreased dramatically. Most use stopped after 1989, but it is still used in some products.

People at risk for workplace asbestos exposure include some miners, factory workers, insulation manufacturers and installers, railroad and automotive workers, ship builders, gas mask manufacturers, and construction workers. Family members of people exposed to asbestos at work also have an increased risk of developing mesothelioma because asbestos fibers can be carried home on the clothes of the workers. The incidence rate for mesothelioma in men appears to be dropping, probably because there is now much less direct exposure to asbestos in industrial workplaces.

Asbestos was also used in the insulation of many older homes, as well as commercial and public buildings around the country, including some schools.

The risk of developing mesothelioma is related to how much asbestos a person was exposed to and how long this exposure lasted. People exposed at an early age, for a long period of time, and at higher levels are more likely to develop this cancer.

Mesothelioma take a long time to develop. The time between first exposure to asbestos and diagnosis of mesothelioma is usually between 20 and 50 years. Unfortunately, the risk of mesothelioma does not drop with time after exposure to asbestos. The risk appears to be lifelong and undiminished.


Zeolites are silicate minerals that are chemically related to asbestos. An example is erionite, which is common in the soil in parts of Turkey. High mesothelioma rates in these areas are believed to be due to exposure to this mineral.


There have been a few published reports of mesotheliomas that developed following exposure to high doses of radiation to the chest or abdomen or after injections of thorium dioxide (Thorotrast). This material was used by doctors for certain x-ray tests until the 1950s. Thorotrast was found to cause cancers, so it has not been used for many years.

4-SV40 virus Some studies have raised the possibility that infection with simian virus 40 (SV40) might increase the risk of developing mesothelioma. Some injectable polio vaccines given between 1955 and 1963 were contaminated with SV40. As many as 30 million people in the United States may have been exposed to the virus. But up till now there is no conclusive evidence of increased cases of mesothelioma amongst people that have received this contaminated vaccine.

About The Author
Bello Kamorudeen. For more information on mesothelioma, go to http://www.mesotheliomacorner.blogspot.com

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Poisons Under Your Sink: Hidden Dangers of Cleaning Products by: Glenn Beach

The American Association of Poison Control Centers (AAPCC) has recorded many exposures to household cleaning substances that were serious enough to require treatment in a health care facility. Incredibly, according to the AAPCC the largest number of occurrences of poisoning in 1993 were due to cleaning products - drain cleaners, toilet bowl cleaners, bleach, soaps and detergents.

One Million poisonings in Canada each year are due to household cleaner ingestion. Some are fatal. Thousands of children and adults are permanently disfigured or injured through contact with chemicals in the home each year.

Our pets are also at risk. Animals that don't have access to clean, fresh water are more likely to drink out of puddles, gutters, toilet bowls, or any old container left sitting around with a liquid in it. Even though my cats always have access to clean water in a bowl, they seem to prefer the toilet, the sink, the bathtub, or even a basin with cleaning solution in it.

Here is an alphabetical list of some of the most hazardous cleansers found around the house:

AIR FRESHENERS: interfere with your ability to smell by releasing nerve-deadening agents or coating nasal passages with an oil film, usually methoxychlor, a pesticide that accumulates in fat cells. Known toxic chemicals found in an air freshener are formaldehyde, a highly toxic, known carcinogen, and phenol. When phenol touches your skin it can cause it to swell, burn, peel, and break out in hives.

AMMONIA: is a very volatile chemical and is very damaging to your eyes, respiratory tract and skin.

ANTIBACTERIAL CLEANERS: may contain triclosan, which is absorbed through the skin and can be tied to liver damage.

BLEACH: is a strong corrosive. It will irritate or burn the skin, eyes and respiratory tract. It may cause pulmonary edema or vomiting and coma if ingested. Never mix bleach with acid toilet bowl cleaners or ammonia. These mixtures may produce fumes which can be DEADLY.

CARPET AND UPHOLSTERY SHAMPOO: Most formulas are designed to over power the stain itself; they accomplish the task but not without using highly toxic substances. Some include perchlorethylene, a known carcinogen that damages liver, kidney and nervous system damage; and ammonium hydroxide, a corrosive, extremely irritable to eyes, skin and respiratory passages.

CHLORINE: The first agent of chemical warfare was chlorine. WWII ended with an abundance of this cheap chemical. In the name of huge profits, it was added to our water supply and many other products. Chlorine is the number one cause of breast cancer and can be lethal. Scientists won't handle chlorine without protective gloves, facemasks, and ventilation, yet it is in most store-brand cleaners, including dishwasher detergents. The harmful effects are intensified when the fumes are heated, as in the shower. It ís in our drinking water, swimming pools, Jacuzzis, and more.

DISHWASHER DETERGENTS: Most products contain chlorine in a dry form that is highly concentrated. The #1 cause of household poisoning is dish detergent. Dishwashing liquids are labelled "harmful if swallowed." Each time you wash your dishes, some residue is left on them, which accumulates with each washing. Your food picks up part of the residue -- especially if your meal is hot when you eat it.

FURNITURE POLISH: contain petroleum distillates, which are highly flammable and can cause skin and lung cancer. They contain nitrobenzene, which is easily absorbed through the skin and extremely toxic.

LAUNDRY ROOM PRODUCTS: Laundry detergents contain phosphorus, enzymes, ammonia, naphthalene, phenol, sodium nitilotriacetate and countless other chemicals. These substances can cause rashes, itches, allergies, sinus problems and more. The residue left on your clothes, bed sheets, etc. is absorbed through your skin, as is everything else you touch.

OVEN CLEANER: one of the most toxic products people use. They contain lye and ammonia, which eat the skin, and the fumes linger and affect the respiratory system. Then there ís the residue that ís intensified the next time you turn your oven on. Use sea salt and baking soda instead.

TOILET BOWL CLEANERS: usually contain hydrochloric acid, a highly corrosive irritant to both skin and eyes that damages kidneys and liver; and hypochlorite bleach, a corrosive irritant that can burn eyes, skin and respiratory tract. Toilet bowl cleaners also may cause pulmonary edema, vomiting or coma if ingested. Contact with other chemicals may cause chlorine fumes which may be fatal.

Are you one of the millions of consumers who tend to think anything sold must be safe? Think again. Since WWII more than 80,000 synthetic chemicals have been invented. Most have been created from petroleum and coal tar for the purposes of chemical warfare. The sad thing is that hardly any of these substances have been tested for safety, but have been added to our food, water and cleaning products without our consent and most often without informing us of any dangers. There is a lot of intentional suppression in this industry that adds approximately 1000 new chemicals each year.

According to the National Research Council, "no toxic information is available for more than 80% of the chemicals in everyday-use products. Less than 20% have been tested for acute effects and less than 10% have been tested for chronic, reproductive or mutagenic effects." Most have not been tested for combined or accumulated effects, nor for their effects on unborn children.

What can you do to protect your loved ones from chemical injury and poisoning?

First of all, educate yourself, and find safer alternatives as much as possible.

Secondly, minimize use of harsh chemicals. Clean spills and stains immediately, remove food waste promptly, keep home moisture/humidity down to 30-50%, and use entry way mats at all entrances.

Third, store all cleaning agents in their original containers out of the reach of children. Follow the directions on the label and use only the amount of product recommended. Read labels, follow safety precautions and contact the manufacturer if you have questions.

By definition, we clean our homes to reduce damage or harm to human and pet health, and to protect our valued possessions. Let's not make the solution worse than the problem!

About The Author

Glenn Beach is a self employed subcontractor who has worked extensively in the commercial cleaning industry. More articles and the opportunity to buy and sell environmentally safe products are available on his website.
mailto: begle@work-at-home-business-opportunity-canada.com

Smoking and Drinking are Sources of Male Sexual Health Disruptions by: Marc Deschamps

Studies published by the medical and health community are unanimous. As much as forty percent of men in North America experience some form of sexual health dysfunction. Because many men refuse to face the truth, several experts believe the true figure to be much higher.

Health diseases, such as cholesterol, hypertension and diabetes, are common causes for erectile dysfunctions. However, lifestyle choices like drinking and smoking are also a major factor causing sexual health disruptions and are often overlooked. In reality, drinking and smoking have a negative effect on the normal flow of blood and directly interfere with male sexual performance.

Various studies have established a direct correlation between a quality sex life and a healthy blood flow. While diet, exercise and appropriate supplements effectively promote the sexual performance of men by maintaining and enhancing their level of libido, sperm production and motility and sexual activity, they do not guarantee positive results for people who smoke and drink large quantities of on a daily basis. Not to mention men that consume drugs such as cocaine, heroine and ecstasy which interfere even more with their blood flow or their stamina.

A recent study conducted by the Section of Endocrinology of the Lahey Hitchcock Medical Center, Burlington, Massachusetts, revealed that smoking causes an important reduction in the number of spontaneous erections occuring during sleep. These erections are one of the most significant indication of a quality blood flow and good sexual health. A drop in the frequency or intensity of erections indicate a risk that some form of erectile dysfunction may develop in the short run. The study has also shown that refraining from smoking for as little as 24 hours brought about a dramatic increase in the quality of spontaneous erections. Needless to say, smoking also has several other "side effects" such as high blood pressure and lung cancer.

Another study conducted by the Department of Psychiatry from the University Medical School of Lubeck, Germany, concluded that heavy drinkers suffer more often from erectile dysfunction than those having an occasional drink. Alcohol tends to induce a pleasant state of relaxation and is generally thought to have a positive effect on the libido. Nothing is further from the truth. It is a suppressant and has a major negative impact on the libido. It also reduces the ability for men to achieve and maintain a quality erection.

The Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, which is managed and operated by the University of California, has conducted its own study regarding the effects of smoking among teenagers. Their findings were frightening. They revealed that smoking has a disastrous impact on the quality of semen and that teenagers who are heavy smokers are jeopardizing their chances to have children and also increasing the risk of having children who suffer from various genetic problems due to the damaged DNA received from the father or mother.

Let's cite one last study, conducted by The University of Berne, Switzerland. The results of their own research unveiled facts backing the findings of the University of California. Statistical analysis conducted in Switzerland demonstrated significantly lower semen quality in smokers compared with non-smokers. Sperm concentration was also strongly affected.

Men are free to make their own decisions. Freedom of choice is an important principle that comes with consequences. Not even the energy of youth can offset the toll that smoking and drinking are bound to take on male sexual health. There are some things that should be sacrificed for the sake of a healthy and satisfying sex life. Let me ask you this delicate question : Should drinking and smoking be one of those?

Copyright 2006 Marc Deschamps

About The Author
Marc Deschamps is the editor of For-Men-Only-Magazine.com, a free online publication dedicated to the sexual health of the modern man. For more articles on male sexual health, visit http://www.for-men-only-magazine.com

General Facts on Lung Cancer: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment For Lung Cancer by: Michael Lee

Educating yourself about the general facts on lung cancer is essential to help prevent acquiring the disease. As the number one cause of death among men in America and one of the major causes of death cases throughout the world, health experts are furthering their efforts in trying to unearth general facts on lung cancer, and how this disease can be so deadly.

Among the various type of cancer deaths, lung cancer is responsible for 29 percent of that. In fact, there are more death cases for lung cancer as compared to the data of deaths for prostate, breast, and colon cancers combined. Hence, you can begin protecting yourself now by arming yourself with the general facts on lung cancer before it's too late.

Causes Of Lung Cancer

When people think of lung cancer, they often associate it with cigarette smoking. Indeed, this is one of the leading causes of the disease. But it is not the only factor.

One of the major focus of research for health experts regarding lung cancer is the genetic factor. Most cancerous cells develop when there is an error in the mutation of DNA cells. That error in itself can be affected by other environmental factors as well, which has led health experts to go back to examining external factors that can contribute to the formation of cancerous cells.

Too much exposure to asbestos has been cited as one crucial environmental factor causing lung cancer. Asbestos is a kind of mineral that is made up of bundled up fibers and naturally occurs in the environment. These fibers, when inhaled by a person exposed to them, can be trapped in one's lungs and accumulate until it causes an inflammation on the lungs.

Another crucial factor that could elicit the development of lung cancer is inhaling secondhand smoke. Although cigarette smoking can increase your chances of acquiring lung cancer, those who inhale it are at a higher risk. Secondhand smoke consists of two types of smoke: those that are produced by the burning of the tobacco product and those exhaled by the smoker.

Please pay very close attention to these general facts on lung cancer, so you can avoid the factors that could put you at risk in acquiring the disease.

Symptoms Of Lung Cancer

Since it affects your respiratory system, common symptoms associated with lung cancer are related to such conditions affecting the respiratory illness.

It is a rare case for lung cancer to be diagnosed early, which is why awareness of the general facts on lung cancer is of extreme importance for early diagnosis.

• Prolonged cases of cough.
• Uncharacteristic wheezing.
• Pain on the back, chest, or shoulder.
• Coughing blood or mucus.
• Constant shortness of breath.
• Swollen neck or face.
• Pneumonia or other respiratory infections, etc

Treatment For Lung Cancer

Before a treatment option is to be determined for lung cancer patients, it is important to diagnose its type and stage first. Here are some of the more common types of treatment:

1) Surgery – This method of treatment is best only for patients who are diagnosed early due to the possibility of the cancer cells spreading to other parts of the body despite inability to detect it via scan.

2) Chemotherapy – This treatment is best used for individuals with small cell lung cancer. Oftentimes, this treatment is accompanied by radiotherapy. This treatment is known as chemoradiation.

3) Radiotherapy – This treatment is directed on the patient's head, in order to prevent the cancer cells from spreading to the brain. It is recommended only for individuals with small cell lung cancer and those who had their tumor removed via surgery.

Equipping yourself with general facts on lung cancer is your best weapon against the disease.

About The Author
If you want to uncover the truth about a new cancer cure claiming to be scientifically proven to cure cancer and ALL types of diseases (including AIDS, heart diseases, diabetes and many others), go to http://www.squidoo.com/newcancercure

Why Should I Eat Tomatoes

Tomatoes are made out of water and vital biological substances. The tomato is a plant belonging to the Solanaceae or nightshade family, native to Central and South America, from Mexico to Peru. Because tomatoes are low in calories, they are considered an excellent and nutritional type of food for people that wish to follow a weight-loss plan. Having high vitamin C levels that help the body increase naturally its immune system, tomatoes have evolved to become one of the most loved vegetables used in meal preparation worldwide.

In fact, the daily consumption of two tomatoes provides the human organism with 2/3 of the needed vitamin C. Moreover, since tomatoes have in abundance folic acid, which is considered necessary by experts in the reconstruction and recovery of human body cells, they are one of the healthier snacks a patient could eat. Specifically, those that receive any kind of medication treatment, drink a lot of alcohol, or eat a lot of meat, and also pregnant women or the elderly, need to consume folic acid and thus it is considered essential to eat a lot of tomatoes.

This "miracle plant" contains also vitamin E, which is helps fertility and assists in maintaining a balanced sex life. In addition, it is a great recourse of different vitamins from the vitamin B group, which help the human metabolism function smoothly and develops a strong neural system. It also contains selenium, which belongs to the chemical substances that prevent certain types of cancer, while it plays a very important role for the human immune system. The amount of potassium found in tomatoes protects the human heart and the magnesium it contains helps the organism overcome the symptoms of stress and muscular cramps. Tomatoes are also an excellent source of iron, copper and manganese.

Recent studies have concluded that the regular and adequate tomato consumption can actually reduce the risk of developing cancer by 40 percent. This plant's fruit mainly protects the human organism against prostate, lung and stomach type of cancers. In an study conducted in the United States, which included a sample of 14,000 Americans and over 3,000 Norwegians, scientists have discovered that smokers who eat tomatoes or carrots frequently (more than fourteen times a month) had lower chances of developing lung cancer in comparison to the people that did not select to eat these kind of vegetables.

Moreover, nutrition experts support that people should eat both raw and cooked tomatoes. Some ingredients found in the tomatoes become available only through heat and by adding olive oil. Thus, tomato-based sauces are an excellent resource of additional nutritional benefits. Thus, add tomatoes to your daily diet and increase the balance in your life while enjoying a tasteful and full of aroma vegetable.

About The Author
Jonathon Hardcastle writes articles for http://letstalkaboutfood.com/ - In addition, Jonathon also writes articles for http://inutritioncentral.com/ and http://ecookingcentral.com/

The 7 Points You Must Check Before You Go For Any Weight Loss Program

Warning: Don't go for any weight loss or diet plan before reading this report.

Yes,you must be aware of the following 7 points before adopting a diet plan.

1) Your weight loss program must remove toxins from your body.

Do you know these facts?

FACT #1:90% of the toxins in your body are expelled from your body through breath.But an average person uses only 30% of his/her lung capacity!

FACT #2:8% of the toxins are removed from the excretory organs.But 80% of the population has clogged colons resulting in pounds of impacted waste.

FACT #3:2% of the toxins are removed through the skin,nose,ears etc.

So,where do all the toxins that are not expelled through the breath and excretory organs go? Simple,they get stored in your body.

No matter how much clean you think your body is....it has a storage of toxins in one form or the other due to the above factors.

And,toxins are the No.1 cause of fat deposition. In fact,it's toxin which makes fat removal so difficult to achieve.

But, most of the fat supplement manufacturers and diet experts don't seem to know anything about this vital fact! or atleast they are pretending not to know.

Remember. No toxin removal-No fat removal. Period.

2) You must Lose Fat not water

Most of the diet programs are based on low calorie diets.This kind of food deprevation signals your body to shed water stored in and around the cells.Remember,your body is 70% water.

Losing this water around the cells causes your body to instantly lose some weight making you think that the weight loss program is a success.

Whereas,this water weight comes back as easily as it was lost.

Conclusion? Be 100% sure if the weight loss program you are about to select makes your body lose just water or real fat.

3) The weight loss program must optimize the functioning of the fat burning organs in your body.

Most of the products available in the market today don't fulfill this criterion.

There are appetite suppressants that only suppress the appetite........which is very dangerous, and fat blockers, which only block the fat you eat.

The popular diet programs go one step ahead by limiting the type and amount of food you eat.

This results in malnutrition of the various fat burning organs of the body, depriving them of nutrients and resulting in their malfunctioning and untimely failure.

Most of the weight loss programs can never improve the functioning of the organs responsible for natural and effortless weight loss over a long period of time.

Hence, look for info about whether your weight loss program really has the necessary nutrients required and a strategy to keep these fat burning organs in good shape.

4) The weight loss programs must be free of harmful chemicals and drugs without side effects.

Most of the weight loss supplements have one or the other side effects because they are made from untested chemicals and drugs like ephedra, which are harmful to your body.

5) Must have a Scientific basis-tried and tested over a long period of time .

99% of all the weight loss programs available in the market have no scientific basis. They have not been tested and proven over a long period of time.

In fact, most products use you as a guinea pig for testing their products!

6) Your weight loss program must increase your metabolism naturally.

Without increasing metabolism in a natural way, fat burning is impossible.

7) No drastic reduction in food intake should be necessary.

It is a wrong notion propagated by the diet industry that the less calories in-more is the weight loss. This is a great lie and harms the body. Yo-yo dieting is the result of this approach.

In fact,drastic reduction in calorie intake deprives vital nutrients to the very organs that are responsible for metabolism and fat burning resulting in their failure to burn fat.

Hence,watch out for very low calorie diets!

99% of diet programs in the market today will definitely fail this test and the reason for it? They are Junk!.

Yes,the diet industry is full of lies and false claims regarding weight loss.The real fact is..majority..yes..majority don't know the real reason for fat accumulation and what really works.

You can get more cutting edge fat burning secrets in my Free 5day email ecourse by subscribing to my newsletter at: www.eweightlosstips.com

About The Author

Rajesh Shetty - Expert in weight loss principles of Ayurveda Medical Science and Author of the Best selling book, "Proven weight loss secrets revealed".



A Vaccine For The Prevention Of Cervical Cancer?

Prof. Kevin Ault, Gynaecologist, from the Emory University School of Medicine, University of Iowa, USA has present the results of the last Study's conclusions are Incredible and it's true; he told about a vaccine, that is 100 % effective in preventing the most common types of Cervical cancer linked to HPV (D3-to see).

The HPV infections are sexually transmitted diseases which prepare the way for cervical cancer. We can protect the women against the most Carcinogenic subtypes (6, 11, 16 and 18 of HPV) which are the cause of More than 70 % of cervical cancers.

With optimistic results of the Future II study, 20541 Women from Europe, America and Asia, between the ages of 16 and 26 years old, was involved in this extensive project. Of course, the methodological rules, as a blind Study compared the quadrivalent vaccine do a placebo. The Vaccine protected the young women completely against precancerous Lesions (medium - or high-grad) of the Cervix related to HPV 16 and 18. The protection result was 100 % of cases! The sid-effects comes with an extremely low number. If we see the large number of cases in this study, the results should be the same if vaccination is made Available to the public.

We should not forget - the Cervical Cancer is the second leading cancer in Young women and accounts for 11 % of Cancers in all women! When the Women has a common genital Infection with the human papillomavirus (HPV) and its can result in the appearance of precancerous lesions of the Cervix Mucous membrane. For instance, we know that the connection between HPV infection and cervical cancer is much stronger than that between smoking and lung cancer.

How the researcher has got these results? With this new quadrivalent vaccine for cervical cancer, the most oncogenic subtypes of HPV can now be whipped out. One of the first steps is vaccinating adolescents (D3-“Chronical”) Before they come into contact with the virus; - Results - No virus, no Lesions - no cancer! Prevention - the essential part of the combating Cervical Cancer.

The most oncogenic subtypes of HPV can now be wiped out thanks to this new quadrivalent vaccine. The first step is vaccinating adolescents (D3 - “Chronical”) before they come into contact with the virus; this is a turning point in the fight against cancer. It is a major tool in the prevention of precancerous lesions in the cervix. No virus, no lesions - and if there are no lesions, that means no cancer. Prevention is an essential part of the equation when it comes to combating cervical cancer - that's why oncologists are so excited about the new Vaccine.

A study conducted with more than 20,000 women has shown the absolute effectiveness of a vaccine in the prevention of cervical cancer due to the most common types of human papillomavirus (HPV). Oncologists are enthusiastic. It is a rare thing to hear physicians - and even more so, oncologists -get excited to the point of speaking of a “historical breakthrough” after hearing a presentation from a colleague.

Prof. Thomas Turz, Director of the Institute Gustave Roussy at the ECCO conference has say - It is a rare thing to hear physicians - and even more so, oncologists -get excited to the point of speaking of a “historical breakthrough” after hearing a presentation from a colleague. The Oncologists are enthusiastic.

Health-Service-Online http://www.cancer-info.info

About The Author

Fritz Frei make it easy to check out the important details about the diagnoses and test's of the Cervical Cancer. To receive more information's about all cancer -questions - Links and last research NEW's - visit the http://www.cancer-info.info.

Of Disease Prevention

Your body is constantly dealing with internal and external aggressions. These attacks may be bacterial, viral, fungal, but also pollution and malfunction of some internal organs. Whatever the measures of prevention you can take, it is possible that you fall sick. When sickness comes, nothing is more important than choosing the appropriate treatment for your condition.

Earlier you treat a disease, better chance you have to be recovered. That is why it is vital to be able to detect small defects before they become serious medical conditions. Many diseases have minor symptoms at the beginning, yet their ravages are major in your body. In addition to early diagnosis and treatment, your participation is also obligatory. During any treatment, it is crucial that you take the following measures to help the treatment remediate your health problem:

Avoid tobacco– besides cardiovascular problems and lung cancer, smoking increases the risk of asthma and various respiratory infections. In women, smoking increases the risk of extra uterine pregnancy, miscarriage, premature delivery, C-section (cesarean section), and fetal growth retardation. These risks relate to both active and passive smoking (second hand smoking). In addition, smoking decreases the curative effects off all medications.

Eat a healthy diet - no one can deny it anymore; it is confirmed in hundreds medical studies that a healthy diet can prevent or reverse the development of certain cancers, cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, impotence, obesity and high cholesterol. Consume lots of fruits and vegetables; increase in your diet vitamin supplements mainly B complex, calcium and omega 3. Limit consumption of fats, sugar, and foods high in sugar (sodas, candy, jam, chocolate ...). No drugs in the world can lower your cholesterol if you continue to eat fatty foods and neglect to exercise. Medications along with a good diet increase considerably your chance of healing.

Regular exercise- it is said that if you want to be forever young, exercise regularly. Physical exercise reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, stress, depression, obesity, cancer osteoporosis, and more. Regular physical exercise prevents premature aging of the skin, improves brain function and self-esteem. Do not wait until your health is degenerated before you start exercising. You do not need to be sporty to exercise. Do approximately 30 to 45 minutes of fast walking a day is enough to stimulate all the organs of your body. However, you may be required to stay in bed when taking some medications. Therefore, if you are under treatment, talk to your physician before you begin any exercise program.

What else you should do to stay healthy?

Oral hygiene - many people tend to neglect a good oral hygiene. Not taking care of your mouth will not only cause gum disease (include bad breath), but also heart problems. Good oral hygiene recommends to regularly brush and floss your teeth after meals. It is found in many medical studies that dental floss along with exercise can reduce or prevent heart disease risk. In addition, consult your dentist at least once a year.

Prompt medical visit- If you do not feel too well, do not wait until tomorrow, go see your health care provider as soon as you can. Even if you feel good, it is important to have a medical check-up at least every two years. If you are a woman, see your gynecologist twice a year minimum.

The sooner a disease is detected, the more likely it is to be treated and eradicated. It is important to know the signs and symptoms of each disease so that you can get an idea of your condition and take necessary steps before complications. On ofdisease.com, you will find free advice and information to help you, along with your physician, take smart decision whttp://www.ofdisease.com

About The Author
Remy is a multi-topic writer with years of experience in nutrition and naturotherapy. He loves to share his own personal beneficial experience with natural alternative to others. For your research on health problems, beauty and personal care, please visit http://www.ofdisease.com

Information about the Smoking Ban in the UK

Millions and millions of people all across the world smoke cigarettes for one reason or another. They are highly addictive and extremely dangerous to one´s health. Yet with all the known negative effects, cigarettes are one of the most bought products in the market today. This is a terrible thing for non-smokers because second hand smoke can be just as deadly as smoking the cigarettes themselves. This is why many states and countries have banned smoking cigarettes in public places to help safeguard civilians who don´t smoke. The latest place to ban smoking in public places is in the United Kingdom.

In July of 2007, England banned smoking in public places with the “Smoke Free England” campaign. Second hand smoke causes numerous diseases such as heart disease, lung cancer, and SIDS. It really is unfair to those nonsmokers who are trying to stay safe from the effects of cigarettes when people smoke around them. This campaign is driven by the Health Department to keep these innocent people safe. While the campaign is being enforced, many businesses and public places are being slightly affected by this new ban.

For those people that smoke, it is a luxury to be able to go to a restaurant and smoke while enjoying a meal. This is no longer allowed in open spaces. Businesses such as restaurant, bars, and cafe´s are losing business because the people that use to come to these places who smoke no longer come. This in turn leads to loss of productivity as far as annual revenue. These businesses who are losing money right now will rebound though. With the ban of smoking in these locations, more non smokers are beginning to fill these spots, thus making up for the people who use to come that smoked.

All is not lost for people who smoke cigarettes however. There are still designated areas where people can smoke while still being in public. The Health Department has set up what is called smoking shelters where people are allowed to smoke. Many of these areas are set up with chairs and tables. Although many businesses will be able to recover from the “Smoke Free England” campaign, many UK businesses are not. This is why the Health Department set up the designated smoking areas to help businesses who lost a substantial amount of business. For companies who were badly affected by the ban, they are able to attach these smoking shelters in order to keep some of their regular customers.

There are a few different types of shelters a business owner can choose from to accommodate their customers. The most popular designated smoking spot would be the “Free Standing Smoking Shelter.” This is usually a spot connected to the place of business, where five to seven people can comfortably enjoy a cigarette. Another type of shelter is the economical friendly “Wall Mounted Smoking Shelter.” This is basically a makeshift barrier between the business and the smoking area. The only requirement for this is that no more than fifty percent of the smoke infiltrates the company. Lastly there are smoking shelters that can be custom built. For example, a business owner can build an entire separate room with tables and chairs so customers can conveniently smoke. Regardless of what type of smoking shelter it is, the shelter itself can help a business retain their customers

The United Kingdom is again the latest place to enforce this ban on smoking in public places. The public places that are the most effected by this is restaurant and bars. For those people who used to enjoy going out to the bar and smoking and having a good time can no longer do this. This ban is set to help improve people´s safety. Many people are considered social smokers, so with this “Smoke Free England “ campaign, the Health Department is hoping that some of these casual smokers will quit altogether. With less people that smoke, the fewer amount of people that will be affected by this ban. This in turn leads to businesses being less affected as well. The whole idea of this smoke free concept is to detour people away from the deadly addiction and help protect those from the people that just can´t quit.

Smoking cigarettes and second hand smoke is one of the biggest causes of people´s death every year. The worst part about them is what is called “Nicotine.” Nicotine is super addictive and very deadly. When an individual smokes a lot, their body develops a dependency to this said substance, which becomes harder to break overtime. This it turn leads to a countless list of medical dangers that can eventually lead to one´s demise. The same can be said with second hand smoke. After inhaling enough of it overtime, one can be so badly damaged by it, a whole crop of disease can pop up leading to an untimely death. The smoke free ban is being enforced to reduce this occurrence.

So when the “Smoke Free England” campaign launched and began to be enforced in July of 2007, a number of things began to happen. Many businesses were affected both in good ways and in bad ways. For those companies who took the biggest hit, the Health Department came up with an idea about the smoking shelters. This allows places like restaurant and bars to still accommodate those people who smoke while not breaking any new laws about smoking in public places. Those other businesses that were only mildly affected by the ban, will recover because more non smoking people will make up for the absence of the people that use to come and smoke. In addition, both adults and children are able to go out and enjoy themselves in an environment not deadly to their health. Hopefully for those social smokers, they will just quit entirely because of they will not have the urge to smoke while being out. The “Smoke Free England” campaign is now being enforced and is now beginning to have countless positive affects in a number of different ways.

About The Author
Chris Tyrrell writes for NIMLtd Engineering, you can learn more about their smoking shelters and other smoking control products by visiting their website at www.nimltd-smokingshelters.co.uk

Hair Growth Inhibitors – Just A Scam?

A scam is a dishonest attempt to get you to part with your money by making exaggerated claims or by failing to deliver the goods promised.

As there is such a huge demand for convenient hair removal methods, the entry on the market some years ago of solutions known as hair inhibitors, which claim to slow down or even permanently stop hair growth, were welcomed by many.

However, due to dubious claims and many disappointed customers in some cases, the shouts of “SCAM!” can be heard on some web site forums.

Are these accusations justified? Just what is the truth about hair inhibitors?

I have been marketing hair inhibitors now for some years and can provide some honest answers.

First, it is important to do a little checking on the company promoting the product and see if there are any negative comments on the internet. Usually just entering the name of the product or the company along with the word “scam” or “complaints” in Google will give you an indication.

There are claims in some places that hair inhibitors can result in permanent hair removal. Personally, I would not say this is common. Perhaps in some instances this may be the case, but electrolysis and laser hair removal seem to be the only permanent hair removal methods currently available. Even then, results can vary from person to person and there can be regrowth in some cases.

It does seem however that hair inhibitors can slow down the rate of hair growth if used after each hair removal session. They work best with hair removal methods that take hair out by the root, such as waxing, sugaring, tweezing or threading. The enzymes in the product can get into the hair follicle and affect the rate and texture of regrowth so hair removal sessions are not so frequent and they become easier as the hair that regrows is often finer.

It is important to say that results vary from individual to individual. So in some cases, they may not make any difference at all. In other cases the results may be poor, good, or excellent, depending on how the individual responds to the treatment.

So before ordering a hair inhibitor, make sure the product carries an unconditional, no questions asked, full money refund guarantee. In my experience, the refund rate is around 1%, so obviously the majority of users are satisfied to the extent they do not feel it is worth requesting a refund.

I have been associated with Nisim International, the makers of Kalo, which has been on the market since the early 1990’s. They are a very honest company and offer good customer service. They run a forum for Kalo users and some of the answers from the Administrator to the pointed questions are very helpful. I have set out a selection below.

To sum up: Are hair inhibitors a scam? It depends on the company. Before parting with your money, do research and make sure the company is reputable and there is a full guarantee. If after 3 or 4 months you do not get the results you wish for, claim a refund. That’s what the guarantee is there for!

If you wish to do more research on Kalo see the resource box below.

Here are the comments from the Kalo user forum:

Consumer: "Hey its been 4 months since I purchased Kalo hair inhibitor. I have used it 5 times already. I'm really getting worried Kalo won't work for me. I do exactly as it says on the instruction. How come I'm not seeing any results?"

Admin: "You may not like this answer, but you may be one of the people it does not work for. It sounds as though you are doing it correctly. I hope we can help you but if not we will be happy to provide you with a refund."

Consumer No. 1: "If Kalo hair inhibitor actually works, why isn't it a very well known and sought after product? It certainly isn't up there with Rogaine or Propecia."

Admin: "Advertising is really the answer. Big drug companies like Upjohn (Rogaine) and Merck (Propecia) spend about 75-100 million dollars each per year advertising just those two products. We don't have anywhere near that kind of budget. We have chosen to grow slowly and steadily by word of mouth and small regional advertising campaigns."

Consumer No. 2: "I'm not convinced. Rogaine is FDA-approved and proven by clinical controlled double blind studies. Why hasn't Nisim conducted a controlled double blind study to satisfy the scientific community and thus inspire confidence in the public eye?"

Admin: "The cost of an FDA approved double blind clinical study is about a million dollars. We have conducted a study (not a double blind study) and it does work. We guarantee results with a no time limit full money back guarantee."

Consumer: "I purchased two Kalo hair inhibitor lotions to decrease the growth of my facial hair. I have used it twice or three times now and didn't see a difference."

Admin: "After shaving and using Kalo hair inhibitor you will need to use it for about 3 weeks to start to see a difference. If you use Kalo after waxing, tweezing or sugaring, you will see a difference in about 2-3 sessions."

Consumer No. 1: "Are there any reports of Kalo not working?"

Consumer No. 2: "Yes, you can find messages on this board to that effect. However, the vast majority of messages I've read have been positive."

Consumer: "After only one month and several times with tweezing, hair on the back of my hands and around the nipple area are almost gone. I'm seeing good results as of now."

Admin: "Thanks for the report. Please keep us posted."

Consumer: "A fast note about my results with Kalo after about 120 days. Good news - still reducing all my pubic hair. There is now large clean patches of no hair or black spots showing on my skin. All the hair is like fine baby hair now that is still growing back slowly. Very happy with Kalo so far."

Admin: "Great! Glad to hear about the good results."

Consumer: "Using Kalo hair inhibitor its now only been like 3 months. The pubic hairs that are left are very fine and weak. Boy as long as you get the hair out by the roots without breaking, this stuff Kalo just works great for me. Good luck to all - it just takes time."

Admin: "Those are great results. Thank you for posting."

Consumer No. 1: "I want to know if Kalo hair inhibitor really works."

Consumer No. 2: "I bought Kalo sometime in January and it's April now. I can tell you I've seen awesome hair reduction on my stomach only after waxing twice. About 40% of my stomach hair is gone! Just to tell you I'm a dark tanned 18 year old male with brown hair."

About The Author

Mike Jones is a writer and webmaster with over 10 years experience. His Body Care web site offers a number of discounts on hair inhibitors and other products. Get information here: http://www.1bodycare.com/kalo.htm

Dogs And Pets Provide Health Benefits

Do dogs provide health benefits? Believe it or not they do! Did you know that owning a dog and pet ownership in general, can help a person in many ways? Owning a pet can improve your mental wellness, reduce your visits to the doctor, improve your cardiovascular health and allow for faster recovery time from surgery as well as higher survival rates. Recent research suggests that dogs may be able to detect cancer on a person's breath! Lets' explore these amazing health benefits of pet ownership:

It has been proven that dog owners have lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels than non-dog owners. These factors, in turn, reduce the chance of cardiovascular diseases. In fact, just stroking a pet has long been known to reduce blood pressure. Furthermore, a study from the New York State University concluded that these benefits continue even without the pet being present!

Hospital studies have shown that senior citizens and recent post-op patients respond better to treatment and recover faster while in contact with dogs and other therapy animals. Did you know that dog owners have a greater chance to survive a serious illness than non-dog owners? In fact, a study revealed that a pet affected a person's survival rate even more than the presence or company of family members or friends!

Studies conducted at Cambridge and UCLA concluded that there is a direct correlation between pet ownership and improved overall health, which leads to fewer visits to the doctor. The Journal of American Geriatrics Society notes that pet ownership has a positive effect on a senior's physical and emotional well being. Additionally, a Medicare study of elderly patients also shows that people who own a dog have fewer doctor visits than patients who do not.

Pet owners have better emotional health and mental wellness than people who do not own a pet. Pets offer unconditional love and affection and their presence alone helps reduce loneliness. For people who are isolated, disabled or handicapped, a pet offers friendship and can even add a element of safety to their lives. Dogs are used as a form of therapy in hospices, nursing homes and as companions for the disabled and blind. In fact, there are studies that prove that people with a major illness fight the stress of having the illness better by having a dog as a pet.

There is new research that suggests that dogs may be able to detect certain types of cancer. Researchers at the Pine Street Foundation in San Anselmo, California and the Polish Academy of Sciences exposed dogs to breath samples from breast and lung cancer patients and samples from healthy people. They claim that the dogs were able to detect cancer with astonishing results and accuracy. The dogs were able to identify 99% of lung cancer breath samples (which included early stage cancer patients) as well as 88% of breast cancer samples. The study, which has been met with skepticism, will be released early in 2006 and published in the March edition of the Journal for Integrative Cancer Therapies. Experts agree that this holds promise, but must be evaluated and researched further.

As you can see pet ownership or having a dog comes with many benefits for an individual. Owning a pet encourages social interaction, reduces stress levels, boosts self-confidence and self-esteem and encourages exercise. Having a pet is a great investment, not only in the joy and pleasure that the animal brings into your life, but the many health benefits that come with the territory!

About The Author

Robert Benson operates http://www.ezshoppinghere.com a website devoted to helping shoppers find unique gift ideas in unique places. We carry Pet Supplies, Home Decor, Digital Cameras, Three Stooges Collectibles & other fine merchandise.

Vitamin E and Lung Cancer Prevention

(NC)-Lung cancer, the most preventative of all human cancers, remains the leading cause of cancer death for both men and women. Several studies have shown that vitamin E supplementation is associated with a lower risk of developing lung cancer in non-smokers. Unfortunately, the same benefit was not seen in smokers. The most effective health action for smokers is still to stop smoking.

It is believed that the beneficial effect of vitamin E is a consequence of its antioxidant role, which may be enhanced when taken in combination with

other antioxidants such as vitamin C, beta-carotene and selenium. All of these nutrients are available in a quality multivitamin such as Centrum®, available in your local pharmacy. For more information on supplementation, visit www.centrumvitamins.ca.

- News Canada

About The Author

News Canada provides a wide selection of current, ready-to-use copyright free news stories and ideas for Television, Print, Radio, and the Web.

News Canada is a niche service in public relations, offering access to print, radio, television, and now the Internet media, with ready-to-use, editorial "fill" items. Monitoring and analysis are two more of our primary services. The service supplies access to the national media for marketers in the private, the public, and the not-for-profit sectors. Your corporate and product news, consumer tips and information are packaged in a variety of ready-to-use formats and are made available to every Canadian media organization including weekly and daily newspapers, cable and commercial television stations, radio stations, as well as the Web sites Canadians visit most often. Visit News Canada and learn more about the NC services.

What Is Lung Cancer And Who Can Get It?

Abnormal cell growth in either one or both of the lungs is the simple answer to the question, “What is lung cancer?” In healthy individuals, the cells within the lungs go about their business duplicating at a normal rate and turning into more and more lung tissues. The lungs continue to function properly and all is well.

But in damaged lungs, this rate of cell duplication becomes uncharacteristically fast yet new lung tissue fails to develop. These damaged (cancerous) cells begin to clump together and ultimately turn into cancerous tumors. Eventually, the tumors begin to interfere with the impacted lung’s ability to function normally and that is when the full impact of the disease known as lung cancer begins to be noticed.

Interestingly, although it usually takes many years for lung cancer to develop, the cells begin to take on abnormal characteristics almost immediately upon being exposed to cigarette smoke or the other environmental contaminants that can cause trouble in the lungs such as radon, asbestos, coal, air pollution, and even second-hand smoke.

Lung cancer can strike anyone regardless of gender, age or race. Even though it is more likely to strike those who are or who have been a smoker, lung cancer can develop in those who have never taken up this habit. Lung cancer in non-smokers is very rare, occurring in only about 10% of the cases, meaning that in almost 90% of the lung cancer cases, cigarette smoking is the instigator. Why is that so?

The primary purpose of the lungs is to breathe in air. The lungs remove the oxygen from this air and push it out into the blood where it can travel around the body as needed. Because the air we breathe is not always pure – it’s filled with dust, dirt, and other types of pollutants – the upper part of the lung system was designed to clean it before allowing it to enter deeper into the lungs. In the case of smokers, the carcinogens in cigarette smoke can break down the lung’s cleansing capabilities and as a result, dirty air and the contaminants within cigarette smoke continue to freely enter into the lungs. It is the absence of this cleansing capability that ultimately causes the cells inside the lungs to function abnormally.

Besides being the #1 cause of cancer death in the United States, lung cancer is unfortunately so far a disease that has no cure. In fact, by the time lung cancer is discovered, few people will survive the first year after diagnosis.

Small cell lung cancer and non-small cell lung cancer are the two types of lung cancer that can develop. Eighty percent of the lung cancer cases are the slower-moving non-small cell type. The problem with this type of lung cancer is that it often spreads to other parts of the body. Sophisticated lung scans are generally the way most tumors are detected, but unfortunately, such scans are not part of routine medical care. That’s probably why most lung cancer goes undiagnosed for so long.

About The Author

Gray Rollins is a featured writer for http://www.lifelungcancer.com. To learn more about lung cancer, visit http://www.lifelungcancer.com/whatislungcancer/.

Your Cancer Resource

It seems the news has become virtually unwatchable and the print media, too painful to read. With death, sickness and disease plastered across most nightly news programs, it may be unavoidable. One of the worst of the worst is a horrible disease that we call cancer. Our collective knowledge of this disease is scarce to say the least. This is why it's important to acquire cancer facts from a reliable cancer resource. In the best resource you have right now is at your fingertips, your computer.

Have you ever has it that need for a solid and cancer resource? There is a plethora of valuable information that is available to us. The most important resource is also the most convenient as a cancer resource. I'm talking about the Internet. Cancer is so prevalent that I believe we should all take the time to learn a little, and by doing so we may educate ourselves and how to avoid getting cancer.

Are you aware that cancer is a genetic condition in many cases? It's true; while most individuals people don't realize this, they nevertheless are susceptible to cancer like the rest of us. But just because there are cancer genes with MS doesn't mean we have to succumb to them. To start, our diets play a big role in our health.

That's why it is so important that we take care of ourselves by heating right and exercising. When you subject yourself to poor eating habits and gaining extra pounds, you in turn better your chances of acquiring some kind of illness. We must play an active role in protecting our bodies from those agents that may do us harm.

Are you watching your diet? You can certainly turn to a credible cancer resource such as the Internet to learn more about eating right and avoiding processed foods. And of course it goes without saying that cancer can be avoided in many cases by simply not smoking. By now, virtually all of us should know and understand the negative effects of smoking and what it does to our lungs. Although I personally know someone that smokes who was in denial of this fact. If you are a heavy smoker, then you may want to get online and browse a few websites that deal with lung cancer.

In this day and age it's definitely not difficult to find a cancer resource. We would all be well served to become better educated in this area. There are numerous types of cancer that can affect different areas of the body. It may very well be impossible to completely prevent cancer, but at the same time there are plenty of things that we can do to protect ourselves from contracting it to begin with. Having a quality cancer resource at your disposal is an excellent first step in battling this hideous disease.

About The Author

Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning men's health. Get the information you are seeking now by visiting http://www.themenshealthjournal.com/mens-health/mens-health/your-cancer-resource.html

Radon Gas in Homes and Lung Cancer by: Mark J. Donovan

Unsuspecting homeowners may not realize the full risks associated with Radon gas in their homes. Increasing evidence suggests that Radon gas is the most underestimated cause of Lung Cancer. Radon gas can occur anywhere, however some areas of the United States are known to have abnormally high levels of this potentially deadly gas. Though Radon gas can be found in every state, the highest concentration levels are in the Northeast and the upper Midwest of the United States.

If Radon gas can be dissipated from homes and into the atmosphere it is relatively harmless. However, when Radon enters homes and stays trapped, which can frequently happen with today’s more tightly sealed homes; the gas can become a health problem.

The Radon gas typically enters a home from a basement. If the basement is not adequately vented to the outside atmosphere the gas can build up to high levels within the home.

There are differing opinions about the minimum safe levels, however the evidence continues to grow that Radon may be the most underestimated cause of lung cancer. Radon gas may be particularly more dangerous to children, smokers and those who spend much of their time indoors.

When purchasing a new home, make sure a Home Inspection is performed and that the Home Inspector checks for Radon levels. The cost for a Radon test is minimal and well worth it. If high levels of Radon gas are detected proper ventilation systems should be added to the home. The costs of such ventilation systems are again quite reasonable.

About The Author

Over the past 20+ years Mark Donovan has been involved with building homes and additions to homes. His projects have included: building a vacation home, building additions and garages on to existing homes, and finishing unfinished homes. For more home improvement information visit http://www.homeadditionplus.com and http://www.homeaddition.blogspot.com.

General Facts on #Lung #Cancer: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment For Lung Cancer

Educating yourself about the general facts on lung cancer is essential to help prevent acquiring the disease. As the number one cause of death among men in America and one of the major causes of death cases throughout the world, health experts are furthering their efforts in trying to unearth general facts on #lungcancer, and how this disease can be so deadly.

Among the various type of cancer deaths, lung cancer is responsible for 29 percent of that. In fact, there are more death cases for lung cancer as compared to the data of deaths for prostate, breast, and colon cancers combined. Hence, you can begin protecting yourself now by arming yourself with the general facts on lung cancer before it's too late.

Causes Of Lung Cancer

When people think of lung cancer, they often associate it with cigarette smoking. Indeed, this is one of the leading causes of the disease. But it is not the only factor.

One of the major focus of research for health experts regarding lung cancer is the genetic factor. Most cancerous cells develop when there is an error in the mutation of DNA cells. That error in itself can be affected by other environmental factors as well, which has led health experts to go back to examining external factors that can contribute to the formation of cancerous cells.

Too much exposure to asbestos has been cited as one crucial environmental factor causing lung cancer. Asbestos is a kind of mineral that is made up of bundled up fibers and naturally occurs in the environment. These fibers, when inhaled by a person exposed to them, can be trapped in one's lungs and accumulate until it causes an inflammation on the lungs.

Another crucial factor that could elicit the development of lung cancer is inhaling secondhand smoke. Although cigarette smoking can increase your chances of acquiring lung cancer, those who inhale it are at a higher risk. Secondhand smoke consists of two types of smoke: those that are produced by the burning of the tobacco product and those exhaled by the smoker.

Please pay very close attention to these general facts on lung cancer, so you can avoid the factors that could put you at risk in acquiring the disease.

Symptoms Of Lung Cancer

Since it affects your respiratory system, common symptoms associated with lung cancer are related to such conditions affecting the respiratory illness.

It is a rare case for lung cancer to be diagnosed early, which is why awareness of the general facts on lung cancer is of extreme importance for early diagnosis.

• Prolonged cases of cough.
• Uncharacteristic wheezing.
• Pain on the back, chest, or shoulder.
• Coughing blood or mucus.
• Constant shortness of breath.
• Swollen neck or face.
• Pneumonia or other respiratory infections, etc

Treatment For Lung Cancer

Before a treatment option is to be determined for lung cancer patients, it is important to diagnose its type and stage first. Here are some of the more common types of treatment:

1) Surgery – This method of treatment is best only for patients who are diagnosed early due to the possibility of the cancer cells spreading to other parts of the body despite inability to detect it via scan.

2) Chemotherapy – This treatment is best used for individuals with small cell lung cancer. Oftentimes, this treatment is accompanied by radiotherapy. This treatment is known as chemoradiation.

3) Radiotherapy – This treatment is directed on the patient's head, in order to prevent the cancer cells from spreading to the brain. It is recommended only for individuals with small cell lung cancer and those who had their tumor removed via surgery.

Equipping yourself with general facts on lung cancer is your best weapon against the disease.

About The Author

If you want to uncover the truth about a new cancer cure claiming to be scientifically proven to cure cancer and ALL types of diseases (including AIDS, heart diseases, diabetes and many others), go to http://www.squidoo.com/newcancercure

Smoking and Drinking are Sources of Male #Sexual Health Disruptions

Studies published by the medical and health community are unanimous. As much as forty percent of men in North America experience some form of #sexual #health dysfunction. Because many men refuse to face the truth, several experts believe the true figure to be much higher.

Health diseases, such as cholesterol, hypertension and diabetes, are common causes for erectile dysfunctions. However, lifestyle choices like drinking and smoking are also a major factor causing sexual health disruptions and are often overlooked. In reality, drinking and smoking have a negative effect on the normal flow of blood and directly interfere with male sexual performance.

Various studies have established a direct correlation between a quality sex life and a healthy blood flow. While diet, exercise and appropriate supplements effectively promote the sexual performance of men by maintaining and enhancing their level of libido, sperm production and motility and sexual activity, they do not guarantee positive results for people who smoke and drink large quantities of on a daily basis. Not to mention men that consume drugs such as cocaine, heroine and ecstasy which interfere even more with their blood flow or their stamina.

A recent study conducted by the Section of Endocrinology of the Lahey Hitchcock Medical Center, Burlington, Massachusetts, revealed that smoking causes an important reduction in the number of spontaneous erections occuring during sleep. These erections are one of the most significant indication of a quality blood flow and good sexual health. A drop in the frequency or intensity of erections indicate a risk that some form of erectile dysfunction may develop in the short run. The study has also shown that refraining from smoking for as little as 24 hours brought about a dramatic increase in the quality of spontaneous erections. Needless to say, smoking also has several other "side effects" such as high blood pressure and lung cancer.

Another study conducted by the Department of Psychiatry from the University Medical School of Lubeck, Germany, concluded that heavy drinkers suffer more often from erectile dysfunction than those having an occasional drink. Alcohol tends to induce a pleasant state of relaxation and is generally thought to have a positive effect on the libido. Nothing is further from the truth. It is a suppressant and has a major negative impact on the libido. It also reduces the ability for men to achieve and maintain a quality erection.

The Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, which is managed and operated by the University of California, has conducted its own study regarding the effects of smoking among teenagers. Their findings were frightening. They revealed that smoking has a disastrous impact on the quality of semen and that teenagers who are heavy smokers are jeopardizing their chances to have children and also increasing the risk of having children who suffer from various genetic problems due to the damaged DNA received from the father or mother.

Let's cite one last study, conducted by The University of Berne, Switzerland. The results of their own research unveiled facts backing the findings of the University of California. Statistical analysis conducted in Switzerland demonstrated significantly lower semen quality in smokers compared with non-smokers. Sperm concentration was also strongly affected.

Men are free to make their own decisions. Freedom of choice is an important principle that comes with consequences. Not even the energy of youth can offset the toll that smoking and drinking are bound to take on male sexual health. There are some things that should be sacrificed for the sake of a healthy and satisfying sex life. Let me ask you this delicate question : Should drinking and smoking be one of those?

Copyright 2006 Marc Deschamps

About The Author

Marc Deschamps is the editor of For-Men-Only-Magazine.com, a free online publication dedicated to the sexual health of the modern man. For more articles on male sexual health, visit http://www.for-men-only-magazine.com

Effects Of Lung Cancer Treatments: The Terrible Side Effects of Lung Cancer Therapies

The effects of lung cancer on the patient's body can differ according to the type and stage of the disease. However, studies are now focused towards the impact of treatments intended to cure the disease in patients.

Although these have been recognized as temporary effects only, it still does produce enough good to the health of the patients.

What Are The Effects of Lung Cancer Treatments?

Since the treatment for the disease is essential to keep the cancer cells under control, several patients have overlooked the possible harm it can bring to their health. These are some of the more common treatment options for lung cancer.

1) Surgical Treatment

Effects of lung cancer treatment such as surgeries can often bring in more harm to the patient. Since it is a major operation, it exposes your chest area into the possibility of collecting air and fluid into it.

Among the side effects known for lung cancer patients who have recently undergone surgery is difficulty in turning over, deep breathing, or even coughing. Since patients typically go through these activities, recovery might be slow.

Activities such as deep breathing or coughing are essential elements in recovery since they enable extra air or fluid out of your lung area.

Among the most common conditions cited shortly after undergoing lung cancer surgery include pain in your chest area or arms, and shortness of breath. It might need a week or two before a patient can find relief from such side effects.

2) Chemotherapy

When it comes to the side effects produced by this type of treatment for lung cancer, it varies according to the type and amount of drugs given the patient.

The hazard comes in since chemotherapy does not solely target cancer cells, but also affect normal cells as well. Below are common side effects experienced by patients treated with chemotherapy:

• vomiting/nausea
• feeling of fatigue
• presence of mouth sores
• hair loss

3) Radiation Therapy

The effects of lung cancer treatments such as radiation therapy stems from the fact that, like chemotherapy, it affects your normal cells. As opposed to the type of drug used in chemotherapy, this one depends on the particular part of the body being treated and the amount of dosage.

Common side effects include the following: sore or dry throat, hard time swallowing, changes in the skin of the area of treatment, appetite loss, headaches, problems with memory retention, etc.

4) Photodynamic Therapy

This particular therapy sets its limits on the normal routine activities of a patient who has undergone this treatment. For six weeks or more proceeding the treatment, the patient's skin and eyes becomes hypersensitive to light.

Therefore, direct contact with sunlight must be avoided if possible, even indoors. Hence, protective clothing must be worn if the patient were to go outside.

Other entailing conditions of photodynamic therapy include difficulty swallowing, coughing, shortness of breath, or difficulty breathing.

Although the conditions cited above are often considered temporary, they must not be taken lightly. Instead, you need to see your doctor if you notice some of the side effects of lung cancer treatments continue to persist.

About The Author

If you want to uncover the truth about a new cancer cure claiming to be scientifically proven to cure cancer and ALL types of diseases (including AIDS, heart diseases, diabetes and many others), go to http://www.squidoo.com/newcancercure