Your Cancer Resource

It seems the news has become virtually unwatchable and the print media, too painful to read. With death, sickness and disease plastered across most nightly news programs, it may be unavoidable. One of the worst of the worst is a horrible disease that we call cancer. Our collective knowledge of this disease is scarce to say the least. This is why it's important to acquire cancer facts from a reliable cancer resource. In the best resource you have right now is at your fingertips, your computer.

Have you ever has it that need for a solid and cancer resource? There is a plethora of valuable information that is available to us. The most important resource is also the most convenient as a cancer resource. I'm talking about the Internet. Cancer is so prevalent that I believe we should all take the time to learn a little, and by doing so we may educate ourselves and how to avoid getting cancer.

Are you aware that cancer is a genetic condition in many cases? It's true; while most individuals people don't realize this, they nevertheless are susceptible to cancer like the rest of us. But just because there are cancer genes with MS doesn't mean we have to succumb to them. To start, our diets play a big role in our health.

That's why it is so important that we take care of ourselves by heating right and exercising. When you subject yourself to poor eating habits and gaining extra pounds, you in turn better your chances of acquiring some kind of illness. We must play an active role in protecting our bodies from those agents that may do us harm.

Are you watching your diet? You can certainly turn to a credible cancer resource such as the Internet to learn more about eating right and avoiding processed foods. And of course it goes without saying that cancer can be avoided in many cases by simply not smoking. By now, virtually all of us should know and understand the negative effects of smoking and what it does to our lungs. Although I personally know someone that smokes who was in denial of this fact. If you are a heavy smoker, then you may want to get online and browse a few websites that deal with lung cancer.

In this day and age it's definitely not difficult to find a cancer resource. We would all be well served to become better educated in this area. There are numerous types of cancer that can affect different areas of the body. It may very well be impossible to completely prevent cancer, but at the same time there are plenty of things that we can do to protect ourselves from contracting it to begin with. Having a quality cancer resource at your disposal is an excellent first step in battling this hideous disease.

About The Author

Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning men's health. Get the information you are seeking now by visiting

Radon Gas in Homes and Lung Cancer by: Mark J. Donovan

Unsuspecting homeowners may not realize the full risks associated with Radon gas in their homes. Increasing evidence suggests that Radon gas is the most underestimated cause of Lung Cancer. Radon gas can occur anywhere, however some areas of the United States are known to have abnormally high levels of this potentially deadly gas. Though Radon gas can be found in every state, the highest concentration levels are in the Northeast and the upper Midwest of the United States.

If Radon gas can be dissipated from homes and into the atmosphere it is relatively harmless. However, when Radon enters homes and stays trapped, which can frequently happen with today’s more tightly sealed homes; the gas can become a health problem.

The Radon gas typically enters a home from a basement. If the basement is not adequately vented to the outside atmosphere the gas can build up to high levels within the home.

There are differing opinions about the minimum safe levels, however the evidence continues to grow that Radon may be the most underestimated cause of lung cancer. Radon gas may be particularly more dangerous to children, smokers and those who spend much of their time indoors.

When purchasing a new home, make sure a Home Inspection is performed and that the Home Inspector checks for Radon levels. The cost for a Radon test is minimal and well worth it. If high levels of Radon gas are detected proper ventilation systems should be added to the home. The costs of such ventilation systems are again quite reasonable.

About The Author

Over the past 20+ years Mark Donovan has been involved with building homes and additions to homes. His projects have included: building a vacation home, building additions and garages on to existing homes, and finishing unfinished homes. For more home improvement information visit and

General Facts on #Lung #Cancer: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment For Lung Cancer

Educating yourself about the general facts on lung cancer is essential to help prevent acquiring the disease. As the number one cause of death among men in America and one of the major causes of death cases throughout the world, health experts are furthering their efforts in trying to unearth general facts on #lungcancer, and how this disease can be so deadly.

Among the various type of cancer deaths, lung cancer is responsible for 29 percent of that. In fact, there are more death cases for lung cancer as compared to the data of deaths for prostate, breast, and colon cancers combined. Hence, you can begin protecting yourself now by arming yourself with the general facts on lung cancer before it's too late.

Causes Of Lung Cancer

When people think of lung cancer, they often associate it with cigarette smoking. Indeed, this is one of the leading causes of the disease. But it is not the only factor.

One of the major focus of research for health experts regarding lung cancer is the genetic factor. Most cancerous cells develop when there is an error in the mutation of DNA cells. That error in itself can be affected by other environmental factors as well, which has led health experts to go back to examining external factors that can contribute to the formation of cancerous cells.

Too much exposure to asbestos has been cited as one crucial environmental factor causing lung cancer. Asbestos is a kind of mineral that is made up of bundled up fibers and naturally occurs in the environment. These fibers, when inhaled by a person exposed to them, can be trapped in one's lungs and accumulate until it causes an inflammation on the lungs.

Another crucial factor that could elicit the development of lung cancer is inhaling secondhand smoke. Although cigarette smoking can increase your chances of acquiring lung cancer, those who inhale it are at a higher risk. Secondhand smoke consists of two types of smoke: those that are produced by the burning of the tobacco product and those exhaled by the smoker.

Please pay very close attention to these general facts on lung cancer, so you can avoid the factors that could put you at risk in acquiring the disease.

Symptoms Of Lung Cancer

Since it affects your respiratory system, common symptoms associated with lung cancer are related to such conditions affecting the respiratory illness.

It is a rare case for lung cancer to be diagnosed early, which is why awareness of the general facts on lung cancer is of extreme importance for early diagnosis.

• Prolonged cases of cough.
• Uncharacteristic wheezing.
• Pain on the back, chest, or shoulder.
• Coughing blood or mucus.
• Constant shortness of breath.
• Swollen neck or face.
• Pneumonia or other respiratory infections, etc

Treatment For Lung Cancer

Before a treatment option is to be determined for lung cancer patients, it is important to diagnose its type and stage first. Here are some of the more common types of treatment:

1) Surgery – This method of treatment is best only for patients who are diagnosed early due to the possibility of the cancer cells spreading to other parts of the body despite inability to detect it via scan.

2) Chemotherapy – This treatment is best used for individuals with small cell lung cancer. Oftentimes, this treatment is accompanied by radiotherapy. This treatment is known as chemoradiation.

3) Radiotherapy – This treatment is directed on the patient's head, in order to prevent the cancer cells from spreading to the brain. It is recommended only for individuals with small cell lung cancer and those who had their tumor removed via surgery.

Equipping yourself with general facts on lung cancer is your best weapon against the disease.

About The Author

If you want to uncover the truth about a new cancer cure claiming to be scientifically proven to cure cancer and ALL types of diseases (including AIDS, heart diseases, diabetes and many others), go to

Smoking and Drinking are Sources of Male #Sexual Health Disruptions

Studies published by the medical and health community are unanimous. As much as forty percent of men in North America experience some form of #sexual #health dysfunction. Because many men refuse to face the truth, several experts believe the true figure to be much higher.

Health diseases, such as cholesterol, hypertension and diabetes, are common causes for erectile dysfunctions. However, lifestyle choices like drinking and smoking are also a major factor causing sexual health disruptions and are often overlooked. In reality, drinking and smoking have a negative effect on the normal flow of blood and directly interfere with male sexual performance.

Various studies have established a direct correlation between a quality sex life and a healthy blood flow. While diet, exercise and appropriate supplements effectively promote the sexual performance of men by maintaining and enhancing their level of libido, sperm production and motility and sexual activity, they do not guarantee positive results for people who smoke and drink large quantities of on a daily basis. Not to mention men that consume drugs such as cocaine, heroine and ecstasy which interfere even more with their blood flow or their stamina.

A recent study conducted by the Section of Endocrinology of the Lahey Hitchcock Medical Center, Burlington, Massachusetts, revealed that smoking causes an important reduction in the number of spontaneous erections occuring during sleep. These erections are one of the most significant indication of a quality blood flow and good sexual health. A drop in the frequency or intensity of erections indicate a risk that some form of erectile dysfunction may develop in the short run. The study has also shown that refraining from smoking for as little as 24 hours brought about a dramatic increase in the quality of spontaneous erections. Needless to say, smoking also has several other "side effects" such as high blood pressure and lung cancer.

Another study conducted by the Department of Psychiatry from the University Medical School of Lubeck, Germany, concluded that heavy drinkers suffer more often from erectile dysfunction than those having an occasional drink. Alcohol tends to induce a pleasant state of relaxation and is generally thought to have a positive effect on the libido. Nothing is further from the truth. It is a suppressant and has a major negative impact on the libido. It also reduces the ability for men to achieve and maintain a quality erection.

The Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, which is managed and operated by the University of California, has conducted its own study regarding the effects of smoking among teenagers. Their findings were frightening. They revealed that smoking has a disastrous impact on the quality of semen and that teenagers who are heavy smokers are jeopardizing their chances to have children and also increasing the risk of having children who suffer from various genetic problems due to the damaged DNA received from the father or mother.

Let's cite one last study, conducted by The University of Berne, Switzerland. The results of their own research unveiled facts backing the findings of the University of California. Statistical analysis conducted in Switzerland demonstrated significantly lower semen quality in smokers compared with non-smokers. Sperm concentration was also strongly affected.

Men are free to make their own decisions. Freedom of choice is an important principle that comes with consequences. Not even the energy of youth can offset the toll that smoking and drinking are bound to take on male sexual health. There are some things that should be sacrificed for the sake of a healthy and satisfying sex life. Let me ask you this delicate question : Should drinking and smoking be one of those?

Copyright 2006 Marc Deschamps

About The Author

Marc Deschamps is the editor of, a free online publication dedicated to the sexual health of the modern man. For more articles on male sexual health, visit

Effects Of Lung Cancer Treatments: The Terrible Side Effects of Lung Cancer Therapies

The effects of lung cancer on the patient's body can differ according to the type and stage of the disease. However, studies are now focused towards the impact of treatments intended to cure the disease in patients.

Although these have been recognized as temporary effects only, it still does produce enough good to the health of the patients.

What Are The Effects of Lung Cancer Treatments?

Since the treatment for the disease is essential to keep the cancer cells under control, several patients have overlooked the possible harm it can bring to their health. These are some of the more common treatment options for lung cancer.

1) Surgical Treatment

Effects of lung cancer treatment such as surgeries can often bring in more harm to the patient. Since it is a major operation, it exposes your chest area into the possibility of collecting air and fluid into it.

Among the side effects known for lung cancer patients who have recently undergone surgery is difficulty in turning over, deep breathing, or even coughing. Since patients typically go through these activities, recovery might be slow.

Activities such as deep breathing or coughing are essential elements in recovery since they enable extra air or fluid out of your lung area.

Among the most common conditions cited shortly after undergoing lung cancer surgery include pain in your chest area or arms, and shortness of breath. It might need a week or two before a patient can find relief from such side effects.

2) Chemotherapy

When it comes to the side effects produced by this type of treatment for lung cancer, it varies according to the type and amount of drugs given the patient.

The hazard comes in since chemotherapy does not solely target cancer cells, but also affect normal cells as well. Below are common side effects experienced by patients treated with chemotherapy:

• vomiting/nausea
• feeling of fatigue
• presence of mouth sores
• hair loss

3) Radiation Therapy

The effects of lung cancer treatments such as radiation therapy stems from the fact that, like chemotherapy, it affects your normal cells. As opposed to the type of drug used in chemotherapy, this one depends on the particular part of the body being treated and the amount of dosage.

Common side effects include the following: sore or dry throat, hard time swallowing, changes in the skin of the area of treatment, appetite loss, headaches, problems with memory retention, etc.

4) Photodynamic Therapy

This particular therapy sets its limits on the normal routine activities of a patient who has undergone this treatment. For six weeks or more proceeding the treatment, the patient's skin and eyes becomes hypersensitive to light.

Therefore, direct contact with sunlight must be avoided if possible, even indoors. Hence, protective clothing must be worn if the patient were to go outside.

Other entailing conditions of photodynamic therapy include difficulty swallowing, coughing, shortness of breath, or difficulty breathing.

Although the conditions cited above are often considered temporary, they must not be taken lightly. Instead, you need to see your doctor if you notice some of the side effects of lung cancer treatments continue to persist.

About The Author

If you want to uncover the truth about a new cancer cure claiming to be scientifically proven to cure cancer and ALL types of diseases (including AIDS, heart diseases, diabetes and many others), go to